Sunday, May 23, 2010

Kicking out door to door salesmen

A few weeks ago I was notified that two guys were going door to door in the complex selling newspaper. I went out to track the persons down and found them knocking doors a building away. I confronted the first one I saw and told him they needed to leave. He asked if I was the Manager and when I replied that I was he was willing to leave. It was at that time that I realized I had kicked this particular salesperson out of the complex and had threatened to have him arrested if he ever came back. Since he was leaving without argument I was thinking of just letting him leave.

That was when I met his partner. This guy thought he was a smooth talker and may have actually thought he was going to persuade me for a moment. He didn't even come close.

I don't know if I have ever seen a person try to go through so many different arguments in a 1/8 mile walk. I think he seriously tried something like 12 different arguments while I was walking him out of the complex.

For those of you who don't know when you are talking to me about a subject I actually know or when I have a specific task assigned to me there really is no point in arguing. I outwhitted this guy at every turn and shut him down. Some of the topics we covered while kicking him out were: the need for a solicitation license, his having accepted a job that required him to perform a task that is sometimes prohibited and how his having made that choice was not my fault, how the country wasn't established on door to door sales, how he had failed to even attempt to obtain a variance to our rules to be able to go door to door selling the paper, how his manager having a solicitation license had absolute no bearing on his selling the paper in our complex, how ringing a door bell instead of knocking still constituted door to door solicitation, and several other subjects.

After having spoken to this second gentleman there was absolutely no question that I would be calling the police regarding these two gentleman. Sucks to be them, no sales, get shut down at every argument, get kicked out of the complex and they still were going to get a ticket for solicitation without a permit.

Ahh, all in 30 minutes worth of work.

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